The term ‘Surya namaskar’ is derived from two Sanskrit words; Surya, which means The Sun, and Namaskara, which means The Greetings or Salutation. It was traditionally used as a way of showing respect to the sun & apart from this, there are numerous benefits of Surya namaskar.
Sun salutation or Surya namaskar is a practice of yoga consisting of 12 asanas performed in a sequence at a single time.
Surya namaskar is known as ‘A Complete Vyayama’ as it balances all the 3 Doshas of the body- Vata, Pitta, & Kapha. It aims to energize the whole body.
12 Asanas of surya namaskar and their benefits:
1. Pranamasana (prayer pose) | Helps to maintain balance |
2. Hasta Uttanasana (raised arms pose) | Strengthens chest muscles |
3. Hasta Padmasana (hands to the foot pose) | Improves flexibility of the spine |
4. Ashwa sanchalanasana (equestrian pose) | Strengthen leg muscles and increase the flexibility of the neck |
5. Parvatasana (mountain pose) | Strengthen arms |
6. Ashtangasana (salute with eight points) | Makes spine flexible |
7. Bhujangasana (cobra pose) | Makes the spine flexible and reduce fat from the abdomen |
8. Parvatasana (mountain pose) | Strengthen arms |
9. Ashwa sanchalanasana (equestrian pose) | Strengthen leg muscles and increase the flexibility of the neck |
10. Hasta padasana (hands to the foot pose) | Improves flexibility of the spine |
11. Hasta uttanasana (raised arm pose) | Strengthens chest muscles |
12. Pranamasana ( prayer pose) | Helps to maintain balance |
Step-wise guide:
- I : Stand with feet joined and hands folded in front of chest. (Pranamasana)
- II : Inhaling, raise hands and bend backwards. (Hasta uttasana)

- III : Bend forward while exhaling and place the hands flat on the floor. (Hasta padasana)

- IV : Inhale and stretch the right leg back while bending the left knee. (Ashwa sanchalanasana)
- V : Exhale and take the left foot back with right, lift the hips such that your body makes a triangle. (Parvatasana)

- VI : Hold your breath and lower the body to the ground while keeping your pelvis up. (Ashtangasana)

- VII : Drop the pelvis. Inhale and lift up your body from the navel, looking upwards and straighten your arms. (Bhujangasana)

- VIII: Exhale and assume the position of parvatasana.
- IX: Bring the left foot forward while inhaling to assume ashwa sanchalanasana.

- X: Assume hasta padasana while exhaling.

- XI: Inhale and assume hasta uttasana.
- XII: Exhale and return to the starting position of padmasana.
Practice as above with the right leg in front as well to complete one round. After that, lie down in SHAVASANA till the breathing become normal.
Start with the 5 rounds and gradually increase the number over a period of a few months up to 50.
People with high blood pressure, neck problem and with back problem should avoid this practice or should consult with doctor before doing it.
Benefits of surya namaskar:
- Strengthen & tones muscles
- Strengthen immune system
- Relaxes mind as well as body
- Maintain cardio-vascular health
- Also an excellent exercise to lose weight
- Improves flexibility
- Detox body
- Improves posture
- Battels insomnia
- Ensure regular menstrual cycle
- Maintain blood sugar level
- Improves digestion also
- Helps to increase concerntration power
Start doing this practice on a regular basis to get the benefit of it to the fullest.
Have you ever tried this ultimate asana before? If not, then start practicing it from today.